Academic | Edited | Translated | Literary
杜陳聲珮、羅嘉怡、譚宗穎 、胡寶秀、周麗明、馮卉欣、孫正樑(2024)。〈從兒歌學中⽂:促進中⽂作為第⼆語⾔學習〉(頁21-48) 。收錄於《國際學校的中⽂教學》。台北:⾼等教育出版。
[To-Chan, T. S. P., Loh, E. K. Y., Tam, L. C. W., Woo, J. P. S., Chow, R. L. M., Fung, R. W. Y., & Sun, N. Z. (2024). Learning Language Through Songs: Enhancing Chinese as a Second Language Learning. In J. F. Hong (Ed.), Chinese Teaching in International Schools (pp. 21-48). Taipei: Higher Education Press. (In Chinese)]
Loh, E.K.Y., & Tam, L. C. W. (2024). Success or Failure: The Important Role of Emotionality for CSL Teachers’ Professional Development. To appear in Lo Bianco, J., Loh, E.K.Y., & Shum, M.S.K. (Eds.). Supporting Students Learning Chinese as a Second Language: Implications for Language Education Policy. Singapore: Springer.
To-Chan, T. S. P., Loh, E. K. Y., Tam, L. C. W., Woo, J. P. S., Chow, R. L. M., Fung, R. W. Y., & Sun, N. Z. (2023). Teaching Chinese to L2 Preschoolers Through Children's Songs: The Cases of Mandarin and Cantonese. In J.-F. Hong & C. M. Si. (Eds.). Teaching Chinese in the International School Context. Singapore: Springer.
Loh, E. K. Y., Liao, X., Leung, S. O., & Tam, L. C. W. (2021). How do Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) Learners Acquire Orthographic Knowledge: Component, Structure and Position Regularity. Language Awareness.
Zhu, X., Loh, E. K. Y., Yu, G., Tam, L. C. W., & Liao, X. (2019). Developing 21st Century Skills for the First Language Classroom: Investigating the Relationship between Chinese Primary Students’ Oral Interaction Strategy Use and Their Group Discussion Performance. Applied Linguistic Review.
[Loh, E. K. Y., Ki, W. W., & Tam, L. C. W. (2019). Constructing Authentic Learning Environments for the Enhancement of Multicultural Literacy Through IT: A Case Study of an Online Student Magazine. (2019). In E. K. Y. Loh, P. W. Y. Chou & W. W. Ki (Eds.), Chinese Language Education in the Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts: Theories and Practice (pp. 151-168). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. (In Chinese)]
Loh, E. K. Y., Tam, L. C. W., & Lau, K. C. (2019). Moving Between Language Frontiers: The Challenge of Medium of Instruction Policy for Chinese as a Second Language in Hong Kong. Language Policy 18(1), 131-153.
Loh, E. K. Y., Tam, L. C. W., Lau, C. P. S., & Leung, S. O. (2017). Patterns in Chinese Characters: Structural and Component Knowledge of Hong Kong and Macau Ethnic Minority Students for Learning Chinese Characters. In Zhang, D. and Lin, C. H. (Eds.) Testing and Assessing Chinese as a Second Language (pp. 91-114). Singapore: Springer.
Loh, E. K. Y., & Tam, L. C. W. (2017). The Role of Emotionality in Teacher Change: The Case of Chinese Language Teachers in Hong Kong. Teacher Development 21(3), 462-479.
Loh, E. K. Y., & Tam, L. C. W. (2016). Struggling To Thrive: The Impact of Chinese Language Assessments on Social Mobility of Hong Kong Ethnic Minority Youth. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher: Special Issue - Language Policy Research in East Asia, 25 (5-6), 763-770.
Loh, E. K. Y., Mak, M. T. F., & Tam, L. C. W. (2015). The Road to Successful Chinese Language Learning: Effective Strategies for Teaching and Learning Chinese Characters. In Shum, M. S. K. and Hill, I. (Eds.) Infusing IB Philosophy and Pedagogy in Chinese Language Teaching (pp. 174-194). Suffollk, UK: John Catt.
Tam, L. C. W. (2005). Trick or Chic: Code-Switching in Colloquial Taiwanese Mandarin Revisited. In ASIALEX 2005: Words in Asian Cultural Contexts. Singapore: National University of Singapore.
*Partial List
if you are actively looking for a high-calibre writer, editor, translator, brand journalist, consultant, or project team.
She also offers expert review services to academic journals, marketing & creative agencies, AI companies, and NGOs.
Retta is a past awardee of the long-established Youth Literary Awards of Hong Kong (the 24th & 25th Editions) and an
occasional reviewer for:
Language & Education (Taylor & Francis)
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (Springer)
International Han Character Education Research (Dankook University, South Korea)
Education Journal (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Current Research in Chinese Linguistics (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research (CASLAR Association)
HFES International Annual Meeting
(Human Factors & Ergonomics Society, USA)
She has also been an external recruitment assessor for:
Hogarth Worldwide
Freedman International
Creative Culture International
Enquiry Form
Working Languages:
English / Chinese / French
Hong Kong Foodways《飲食香港:一位人類學家的日常觀察》(2024). Original English Version by Sidney C. H. Cheung. Translated into Traditional Chinese by Loretta Tam. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing.
ISBN: 978-962-04551-4-8
Storm Surges《風暴潮》 (The CORE Disaster Book Series: How to be Ready for Natural Disasters) (2022). Original English Version by Martha Keswick, Mariko Jesse, and Timothy Sim. Translated into Traditional Chinese by Loretta Tam.
Cyclones 《熱帶氣旋》 (The CORE Disaster Book Series: How to be Ready for Natural Disasters) (2022). Original English Version by Martha Keswick, Mariko Jesse, and Timothy Sim. Translated into Traditional Chinese by Loretta Tam.
Floods 《水災》 (The CORE Disaster Book Series: How to be Ready for Natural Disasters) (2021). Original English Version by Martha Keswick, Mariko Jesse, and Timothy Sim. Translated into Traditional Chinese by Loretta Tam.Novacene: The Coming Age of Hyperintelligence 《新星世:即將到來的超智能時代》(2021). Original English Version by James Lovelock and Bryan Appleyard. Translated into Traditional Chinese by Loretta Tam. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing.
ISBN: 978-962-04464-9-8
Assimil e-course Chinese (2020). Original French Version by Mei Mercier and Hélène Arthus; Adapted for English Speakers by Loretta Tam. Chennevières-sur-Marne, France: Éditions Assimil (Powered by Mantano).
ISBN: 978-270-05648-2-2
Civil Unrest in Hong Kong : Law and Order from Historical and Cultural Perspectives 《香港動盪:法與治的歷史與文化解讀》(2020). Original English Version by Michael H. K. Ng and John D. Wong. Translated into Traditional Chinese by Steven Chan and Loretta Tam. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
ISBN: 978-988-8528-30-1
Get Up to High Ground: Commemorating the World Tsunami Awareness Day - 5th Nov 《走上高地》(The CORE Disaster Book Series: How to be Ready for Natural Disasters | Collaboration with the United Nations Office for Disaster Reduction [UNDRR, fka UNISDR]) (2019). Original English Version by Martha Keswick, Mariko Jesse, and Timothy Sim. Translated into Traditional Chinese by Loretta Tam.
Earthquakes 《地震!》(The CORE Disaster Book Series: How to be Ready for Natural Disasters) (2019). Original English Version by Martha Keswick, Mariko Jesse, and Timothy Sim. Translated into Traditional Chinese by Loretta Tam.
Cross-Cultural Learners' Magazine (《匯文子集》). Bilingual Youth Magazine for Hong Kong Students (2016-2018). Editor-in-chief: Loretta Tam. Hong Kong: Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research (CACLER), Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.
ISSN: 2521-4160 (Online)/2616-8286 (Print).
Chinese Workbook: False Beginners (2017). Original French Version by Hélène Arthus; Adapted for English Speakers by Loretta Tam. Chennevières-sur-Marne, France: Éditions Assimil.
ISBN: 978-270-05076-6-9
Chinese Writing Workbook (2017). Original French Version by Hélène Arthus; Adapted for English Speakers by Loretta Tam. Chennevières-sur-Marne, France: Éditions Assimil.
ISBN: 978-270-05076-5-2
Chinese Phrasebook (2016). Original French Version by Lan Ye; Adapted for English Speakers by Loretta Tam. Chennevières-sur-Marne, France: Éditions Assimil.
ISBN: 978-270-05069-7-6
《我們的留學歲月: 幾代香港學者的集體回憶》。譚宗穎、吳國榮合編。香港: 圓桌精英,2012。[Our Good Old Days Abroad: Collective Memories of Studying Overseas in the 1960s – 1980s. (2012). Co-edited by Loretta Tam and Alfred K.W. Ng. Hong Kong: Roundtable Synergy Press.] (In Chinese)
ISBN: 978-988-15454-5-9
Till the Saudade Subsides / Jusqu'à ce que la saudade s'apaise /《思憶實驗》
A Translingual Poetry Pamphlet.
Brussels, Belgium: TBA.
(forthcoming Spring 2025)
Retta's earlier works have appeared in:*
《呼吸詩刊》 (Huxi Poetry)
《新詩.com》 (
*Partial List
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